If you are thinking of moving into a strata unit, then it is best to do a strata inspection in Sydney before you make a final decision. Such a strata reports in Sydney or anywhere else, will outline all the information regarding the scheme, as well as their regulations and by-laws, so that you can make a well-informed decision about whether strata living is suited for you.
One major problem that strata living offers is parking. The truth is that parking spaces can be very limited and it can lead to many problems for residents.
The first issue that you need to be aware of is the parking in your strata scheme. Depending on which state and city you live in, there can be different laws regarding how many cars each resident is allowed to have when living with multiple residents under one roof. This means it can change from place to place so make sure you know what these rules are before applying for any apartment or buying a house! This is why getting a strata report in Sydney prior to purchasing your unit is so important.
Additionally, depending on where you reside some cities even require certain number of motorbike spaces as well. If this isn’t included then they may end up being parked around the complex increasing traffic congestion and possible accidents too. Breaking any of these by-laws could result in tickets or fines imposed on residents who don’t comply with the rules and the law, and they may be liable to reimbursing the strata corporation for any costs if they are taken to court.
Parking problems can be caused by a lack of parking spaces
Lack of land space is one of the major contributors to people moving into strata units in the first place, and this is the same reason that they may find themselves suffering with parking problems as well.
If there aren’t enough parking spaces for the number of owners or residents, then this could result in a lack of parking spaces for everyone. It is the strata corporation’s responsibility to ensure that there are sufficient parking spaces available, and if they don’t, then owners can take them to court with evidence from independent surveying companies showing how many cars need to be parked within the complex.
This means it is important for people living in strata units to know what type of car they drive so that they can make sure that there will always be enough room for all vehicles when moving into such an apartment block.
Another type of people that can be a headache for owners is those who do not clean up after themselves or leave rubbish around, such as cigarette butts all over the floor of the parking lot. This means it is important to know your neighbours right from day one so you can avoid problems like these in future and make sure this does not cause any issues with your strata managers on top of everything else.
When there is no off-street parking available, residents will have to park on the side of the road. The problem with this is that you cannot be sure if someone else has already parked there and so your vehicle could get towed away or worse, it may get damaged by another driver leaving only enough room for their own car in between your one since they are not aware of what is happening behind them. This means that having off-street parking available at all times is always better than trying to find last minute spots along the street where everyone can see your nice new ride which makes it a prime target for theft as well! No one wants any part of their life like this exposed to unnecessary risks.
Security is an important aspect of a strata schemes, and lack of it can lead to crimes which can create a negative image of the strata scheme in front of neighbours and new people who want to move into the building. Further, lack of on-site security also means that cars parked anywhere outside residents’ property are easily accessible by anyone at any time; this is very dangerous because thieves know about it! They will most likely be lurking around during evenings or late nights when they can notice whether there are any valuables inside someone’s car without even breaking anything. This makes thefts from vehicles parked within common areas more prevalent than those parked within private grounds where not many people pass through every day unless they live there too.
When it comes to parking problems in strata schemes, the problem is not always with having an inadequate number of spaces. Sometimes a lack of availability can lead to too many cars for one space and this leads to traffic congestion and unsafe conditions when there are people trying to enter or exit their homes at the same time. That’s why it’s important that you think about how your properties are laid out before you make any decisions on what types of facilities should be included. The worst thing would be for someone who spends all day long commuting from work only to find themselves circling endlessly looking for a spot because they live in an area where everyone else has decided that underground garages were unnecessary!
Making sure about all these issues prior to buying or renting your strata unit is essential, and the only way you can know everything is by getting a strata inspection in Sydney.